Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eyes wide shut

Today I've learned the hard and awful truth. I didnt know the world was this cruel. Or maybe I did know it and had my eyes shut. Any how, I know this all happend in October last year, but I still want to give a thought to the late Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak and Jan Pawel Pietrzak who got brutally murdered short after their wedding (hate crime?!). Why is there so little understanding and so much of hate in this world? May they Rest In Peace! 

15 comments: said...

This is all so so so sad... can't even read about it... :(

American Black Chick in Europe said...

Very sad more and more details came out, I had to stop reading. It just made me more cynical about people to know that something like this could still happen...and I'm not even a cynical person.

It makes no sense that there are people in this world who would kill another person just because they don't agree with their choice of mate. It's absolutely ridiculous!

FunkyStarkitty50 said...

Yes this is the same couple we were speaking of in an earlier post.. The details are grotesque, too horrific to repeat. I don't care what other people think about who I choose to be with, but it's when they are vocal about it, that's when it gets dangerous. If someone is crazy enough to say something, they may just be crazy enough to be violent. I have experienced incidents where my White bfs were confronted while we were out and threatened. It scared me to death because I didn't know what would happen. My husband got into a fistfight with an old Redneck White guy in a grocery store parking lot and the police had to break it up. Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people in the world who want to make themselves known. said...

I can feel you! Andwhen you look at Sweden and it's culture - it would rather be white guys that would interrupt a BW/WM-couple, due to the racism, and I mean the swedish population is a very homogeneous group.

FunkyStarkitty50 said...

Is there a lot of racism in Sweden?? I mean, do people stare at IR couples there or is it just so common no one seems to notice?? I have heard that Sweden is very homogeneous, but I'm sure there are some people who may not like it, possibly people who live there from other countries. said...

I wouldnt say Sweden is more full of rascism than other comparable countries. And I guess like in most countries, if you are living in the big cities, like me - Stockholm, there are no-one that looks at a IR-couple... but I mean there are allways creazy people everywhere.. and there is no deny that there are some racist/nationalsocialistic/new-nazist/whatever-there-labels-are in Sweden... but nah I wouldnt say Sweden is dangerous or that people stare at IR couples...

FunkyStarkitty50 said...

When I was in London and Paris, I saw so many IR couples and no one seemed to care. It gave me the impression that Europe is more liberal about it than the US. Does your family express any concern about your preference?? Or do they not care?? Here it depends on the generation the parents came from. My parents were concerned because they grew up during a time when racism was really bad. The whole thing with police putting dogs on them and water hoses, segregated public facilities, etc. So they were concerned about me for a while. Now they have relaxed considerably. said...

They probably are concerned, but I do not care what they think of my preferences. And we dont have the same history as you in the States... But I would say Europe is more liberal about it, but then.. I'vent been that much to the States (yet).. so... :)

FunkyStarkitty50 said...

You should visit Atlanta. There is a lot to see here. The Southerners talk funny. I don't really have a Southern accent, but there are people here in the more rural places who I can't understand even though they are speaking English. And you are right, I'm sure Sweden does not have the same history, so the attitudes would be different. Insomnia is a terrible thing. I have to force myself to sleep now. Thanks for tolerating my questions. You are very patient. said...

CRAZY! Just looking at their pic makes me sad... :(

Anonymous said...

It really is sad. I always wonder why people do the things they do, but some people are just crazy. Some people are just not right in their heads.

Christie said...

This is heinous hate crime for which these 4 should never see the light of day again. While I'm not a supporter of capitol punishment, it might be appropriate here.

Samia said...

They were so lovely when I read about this atrocity back in November I could not quit thinking about it.

Creative Radiance said...

Brutally murdered? Where were they? Wow that is really awful but it's nice that you gave your respects in a blog. You also have a pretty magnificent blog. I've never seen such honor from a white gentleman. The imprinting is usually so heavy they typically slant in every other direction. God bless you for your homage and for having developed tastes outside of that.

Back to the couple, my prayers go out to the extended family.... if any of them ever read this...ever.

Anonymous said...

i just saw this today, had never heard about it. This is heart breaking.