Monday, October 19, 2009


"Keith Bardwell, of Tangipahoa Parish in Louisiana, denied racism but said mixed-race children were not readily accepted by their parents' communities."

What's up with that???

He "did not believe in 'mixing the races'."

Crazy. One word from me.

BBC NEWS: Anger at US mixed marriage 'ban'


Anonymous said...

The thing is, when I was younger I really believed that this sort of treatment mixed couples often receive was due to pure racism, but the older I get the more I grow convinced that things are more complicated than that. To my experience, the most vocal critics of mixed couples are those people who seem to take seeing such couples really personal for some reason. It's like they consider seeing a man or a woman of their skincolor being with someone of another skincolor almost as a type of personal rejection, which is why they react so angrily and bitter to it.

If this is true, it's going to be difficult to find a cure for this behavior because it's not as much an opinion these people have but a feeling. Because of this, I think these are challenges mixed couples will likely always be facing, along with their children. The positive side of that coin is that if mixed couples stay together through these additional hardships, it shows beyond the shadow of a doubt how much they care for one another and that the love is for real, and that will have a very, very good impact on their children-- A child growing up in a loving and stable household is blessed and strengthened for life.

We just need to be very careful that the kind of mentality we see from this justice guy never gets institutionalized, because that will eventually grow into the government getting a license to place increasing limitations on the freedom of individuals. And I get the impression that he's trying to take the first steps with this. It's something that must definitely be opposed, yeah.

Anonymous said...

First, you have to realize that Justice of the Peace Bardwell serves in the very backwoods area of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana. And even there, most of the people disagree with his thinking. So, we have to keep this in perspective—this guy is an anachronism.

I live in Los Angeles, and here 95% of the time, nobody blinks an eye at mixed couples. People who are not mixed lie about it and add some exotic racial mixing into their ancestry for style points.

Sure, you're going to be able to still find some examples of the old ignorance, but society is clearly trending in the opposite direction.