gorgeous & stunning woman. I just can't understand why the media have so little attention for such ebony perfection in a woman. everytime i look at this picture, the feeling I get is when I'm quietly sunbathing with my eyes closed. gorgeous, warm, re-assuring.
you know, it's kinda funny that it ended up being white guys like us showing their love for this sort of thing the loudest and the proudest nowadays.
Hello, this is probably unconventional but I think you might consider, for extra exposure and traffic, adding your site to my ' new ' Social Directory at www.theitzone.org
gorgeous & stunning woman. I just can't understand why the media have so little attention for such ebony perfection in a woman. everytime i look at this picture, the feeling I get is when I'm quietly sunbathing with my eyes closed. gorgeous, warm, re-assuring.
you know, it's kinda funny that it ended up being white guys like us showing their love for this sort of thing the loudest and the proudest nowadays.
we really need this blog. keep it up!
Hello, this is probably unconventional but I think you might consider, for extra exposure and traffic, adding your site to my ' new ' Social Directory at www.theitzone.org
Liking the idea, hoping you can keep it up. Tremendous! I could send you some photos some time!
A blog that celebrates African beauty.yay! I am loving this.
beatiful picture of true natural beauty, love the idea of your blog
beatiful picture of a natural beauty, love the idea of your blog
The Uganda Queen, Beautiful as ever.
This picture, especially, is superb.
Andres, thanks for considering me in your blog.
From time to time, I visit your page and I'm truly grateful for what you do to expose all beauty among black women from all over the world.
Thank you all for your kind comments .
I am truly Humbled. Thanks to my wonderful boyfreind Josh that takes my pictures with such talent.
Really nice to see you here; Irene! :)
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