VIDEO: Black Women & their Children Bleaching their skin
Just got this video clip. From Tyra Banks Show. My opinion is, I think this is really sad. And scary. Why bleach your skin to look more white?! What do you all think of this?!
of course it's ultimately tragic. as a bw, i feel that our skin is most beautiful. but when society and the media says that what's pretty and acceptable as an african person is to be Rihanna or beyonce's complexion (or lighter), as women we feed into it to be accepted and we go to extremes like this. i don't, but there are many women who do. there's nothing wrong with beyonce or rihanna's complexion. i think they have a beautiful color. but, that's not the only shade of black there is. ALL shades of black are beautiful. skin-bleaching is even a trend in sub-saharan africa. it's such a dangerous (to our health) trend. i personally feel that medium skin toned or dark-skinned women are made to feel beautiful within our own community as black african people. the fact is that a positive self-image is not something we as bw are born with. it should be something that is nutured within our family's. but, many of our mothers were taught to believe that only light-skinned black skin is beautiful or acceptable. that being said, having a positive self-image is something we have to create for ourselves. just my opinion. black women of ALL shades should be made to feel beautiful, loved, and good enough since the day we are born.
Like white girl going to doctors to make her eyes seem asian. Just crazy. This is something like annorexia? Like, girls harming them selves for stupid beauty ideal that only some screwed up men here and there prefer? Certainly not all men! I don't like starved women, don't like pale women either. Never have, never will. Can't explain it.
Like Avrid said, this is another form of trying to beautify yourself. Ligh skin products, breast implants, butt/lip injections, lyphosuction, eyelid lift, tummy tuck, spray on tans are all of forms of telling women every day you are not good enough.
I had to turn off the TV/radio, and had to stop buying magazines, because they tell us women everyday that we're not beautiful enough. This doesn't apply to just black women, but all women. Markets profit off that we don't feel good about ourselves.
This is a tragic case, just like Sammy Sosa, I just shake my head and go "who told them they're skin was ugly?". You have to be careful who you hang around with. If they are demeaning you, you need to stay away from them. They're projecting their insecurities onto you, and you don't need that.
We live in such a sexist soceity. Most women forget that it is man that sets the abnormal beauty standards. Women must look like this or that to attract them. Sadly I know plenty of Dark skin women that get teased for being too dark. I was one of them many years ago...thank god I had enough confidence within that I could fight the system and never fall for the untruth about my beauty. Women need to learn to love self before trying to love others.
Hello to all, I've started a new black woman's blog (and also for her admirer's) it is called: Daughter of the First.
Hhhm you know I'm beginning to wonder about White B'woy's underlying motivation for this site. Forgive me if my concerns are wrong as I haven't read the whole site. Yes there are numerous postings of Black women White B'Woy finds attractive. Thats cool. But when pressed to define what it is he actually likes about Black women he fumbles. I appreciate that he has said there's no great mystery. It is just his preference. But as a Black woman I would hope by now that it is more than just the image he is raving about.
Everybody knows that hair and skin colour are issues we grapple with. I'm not sure what new information there is to add to the debate - so why keep posing these questions? All women are under pressure not to accept their natural appearance. In my opinion this is so that companies can make more money out of us. Anyway I would like to see postings that celebrated more than just our looks.
November 28, 2009 3:30 PM, I'm more prone to begin wondering about your underlying motivations to be honest. Your post really is quite a subtle attempt to try and create distrust between Andreas and any black woman who may be enjoying this blog.
Are you even a black woman, as you're claiming? I'm not very convinced of it.
"We live in such a sexist soceity. Most women forget that it is man that sets the abnormal beauty standards. Women must look like this or that to attract them. Sadly I know plenty of Dark skin women that get teased for being too dark. I was one of them many years ago...thank god I had enough confidence within that I could fight the system and never fall for the untruth about my beauty. Women need to learn to love self before trying to love others."
That is very true especially the standards the media makes or some men. Women esepcially dark women have to set the standards themselves. If a man wants to look @ my dark skin first and automatically disqualify me as a woman, then he can go somewhere. He is not my lost. Because there are men out there who view you as a woman first. I know, because I've dated them.
Dark skinned women really have to guard their image and their minds. It's imperative that they do so. That is why I very happy about this blog and I continue to support it. Seeing images of women who look like you celebrated by a man, is a wonderful thing. We live in a world light and bright is the norm and blonde and blue eyes are perfection, when it's not.Every woman deserves to be celebrated.
Ive always liked me being the different one, the one who doesn't dress the same as anyone else. I remember one young lady (she too is dark skinned and had self-esteem problems) asked me "how and where do you get your confidence from?". I told her, I had to get it for myself. The beauty world does not allow women, light, dark, medium, tan,etc to feel good about themselves. Not one bit. They profit off of it. It is up to us (women) to protect ourself from these hurtful images.
*Like I said before, cut off any TV program/magazines that disqualifies you as a dark skin woman/woman at all.
* As much as Andreas is bringing this too attention (because I believe he honestly doesn't know that this is going on) don't keep reading things like this. Be happy that it is not you. But if you know someone who if falling into that trap, have them seek professional help (there's nothing wrong with that). Most people hurt themselves because they are not able to sit and talk to someone about how they really feel. Talking is another form of therapy.
*Create your own standard. There is no else like you. God knew what he was doing when he created you, and when you go off and do something like this, your insulting God. He says that He made us in his image, so why are you destroying that? Be your own fashion guru, who said you have to listen to Access Hollywood/E.T. to know what to put in your closet? Do your own thang and make it work.
I don't want us to continue having discussion going "poor dark skin lady if she only knew", no that talk needs to stop, its been going on for too long. Suggestions need to be made, so that things like this don't continue to plague our future children.
Being from the caribbean I know till today also in the caribbean there are women who bleach their skin. On my island you can buy these bleaching creams, most of them are made in the Dominican Republic, so when I heard the story about Sammy Sosa, it didnt surprise me at all. We as young women must stop this madness. We must teach little girls out there to be proud of their beautiful chocolate skin.
To Anonymous Nov 28. Should I not express my concerns for fear that it may not be misconstrued? One should always be skeptical. It is healthy. And to answer your question yes I am a Black woman. Now what say you?
Like Ive said before we are beautiful inside and out. Some of us have to work a little harder on our insides but I know that there are people out there who love us. (Thank you Andreas and company!) All I can say is that regardless of how some feel ref: November 28, 2009 3:30 you can be assured that with all your reservations because of what you think reality is, In truth Black women are loved wholly and fully by many and this is the real reality. Unfortunately you've probably gone to long being told you were ugly or something. Shocking to see the appreciation and admiration laid out here for you isn't it? Even if you think its a bit superficial so what! they say beauty goes skin deep but this site represents what beauty is on the outside nothing wrong with that... and guess what Andreas is a man so why he have go into deeper disturbing things in regards to black women there are other sites for that shit. If you continue to accept the latter and continue to doubt yourself on how men regard you because of what you see on TV then your mind set is very narrow. Education is really a horrible thing to waste. In regards to the topic a disturbing one yes (skin bleaching) and its probably surprises him that we have this kind of self hatred in our community so no I don't think he has an agenda he's asking a very simple question I just think you have a problem facing it yourself. We need to abandon these efforts of unattainable beauty and deal with what God and our momma/daddy gave us.
sometimes insecurities run real deep into the skin. so deep in fact that when we try to get rid of it, we end up losing ourselves. and then the cycle continues... it truly is sad.
To Nov 28 9.11. You contradict yourself. On the one hand you declare that the Black woman is appreciated inside and out yet think Andreas' "superficial" appreciation is fine. And as for telling me I can go elsewhere for "deep and disturbing" material is it not Andreas who is indeed sparking these so called 'deep and disturbing' questions?
I find it interesting that many Black women on this site are so protective of him without evaluating what it is he is trying to do. Something is missing. Do you really need a white man (or any for that matter) to confirm that you are beautiful? How is posting images of Black women an affirmation? Is it enough to simply say I like the colour of Black skin in all its shades? Please! You can find images of Black women all over the place. Hell, all you have to do is look in the mirror and smile. Self confidence comes from within. If you feel under appreciated Andreas' site will do little to counteract that. Its nice that someone out there is sharing his preference in women. But thats all it is.
Besides, it is curious that Andreas will spark the debate then quietly leave the room. Where are his opinions and thoughts on the ongoing debate?
Just so you know I don't have a problem with my natural hair nor the colour of my skin. I am extremely happy with both thank you very much. And you shouldn't try to win an argument by throwing personal attacks. It shows a lack of intelligence.
This is hardly a trend in the U.S. I've been Black ALL my lil life and have NEVER known a person who does this (except for a Nigerian-American girl I went to h.s. with). I'm so tired of Tyra acting like some sort of sociologist. Just presenting these HUGE problems that BW have and then not taking the time to talk about where they came from (so that we don't just look like crazy broads who concoct ways to oppress ourselves) and what BW can REALLY do to combat them. Its for the entertainment of her predominantly white audience...just like her idol Oprah.
As for the anonymous who questioned Andreas' motives, she has the right. It does seem a lil strange that he just throws up pics of BW (saying they're beautiful; as if that's a revelation), sells t-shirts with their likelihoods (for his own personal gain), and almost never bothers to enter into any of the conversations he begins. We've all watched him allow people to say all sorts of terrible things about BW with NO defense coming from him. If he's so into us, why wasn't he calling those people on the inappropriate things they said on HIS blog? Better yet, why did he even let those comments remain? BW don't need yet another person to shout out cliches ("black is beautiful"), we need someone who is TRULY down for us and our cause. I guess it only goes to show that we truly can only depend on each other (BW NOT BM).
Anonymous said: "Something is missing. Do you really need a white man (or any for that matter) to confirm that you are beautiful?"
Uh...of course that's the case. If you are a heterosexual female, it is NATURAL for you to feel more beautiful if you are appreciate by a man. When men appreciate your looks you will OBVIOUSLY feel better about yourself. Just as a woman who is constantly flirted with and appreciated by men will naturally have more confidence in herself than a woman who doesn't receive that on a regular basis. If you take race out of the equation (not too sure why there was a need to put emphasis on it) it is not so weird.
I wasn't trying to defend him I was just pointing out that its nice even as superficial as it is for us to be recognized as beautiful and this site is what it is, white women everyday garner attention just being who they are but does it spark a debate every single time? I wasn't really trying to attack you outright I am sorry if my choice of words were taken negative I could have come a bit more correct I guess being aggressive made my point mute I don't know you so I can not specifically judge you so again I apologize. I'm not here to win arguments as you suggest I am sure you love yourself as I love myself and no I don't need his affirmations to make me feel good about myself I just like that I can log on and see pretty black women like me plastered as much as other non BW are. Sure you have a right to question him but is it really going to change anything? He sparks conversation and then a whole slew of people come out of the wood work to post their opinions about "us" they also have a right to their opinions Andreas shouldn't have to erase anything but it would be nice to see his opinions on some of these topics. I wonder if it would makee a difference if the person who created this blog was a black man would that make it any less superficial? To be honest I don't think Andreas fully understands what we face or are going through he just cant. To reiterate he can only admire us from a far we can only be here for ourselves other black women and black girls.
"To reiterate he can only admire us from a far we can only be here for ourselves other black women and black girls." ----------------------------- HA HA. WHAT DID I TELL YOU FOLKS? STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH! I SAID THIS IN A PREVIOUS POST:
feminazi slave traders = black radical feminists aka 'black woman empowerment bloggers' who profess hatred for the black man, gender saparatism, and interracial unions with so-called non-black men, to escape their racial identity and separate themselves from black males. Racial identity means very little to them. Only black woman and girls matter to them. They would sell black men and boys to the kkk in exchange for romance, money and social status.
When u meet a black woman who say things like 'the black woman has nothing in common with the black man except skin color', you know u just met a feminazi slave trader.
"I guess it only goes to show that we truly can only depend on each other (BW NOT BM)." ---------------------- And why did SZ had to make it clear she was not saying 'black men and women' should depend on each other, but rather 'black women should depend on black women'? More evidence of black male hating.
Your woman for woman feminazi shit can't give you a family. You spend decades burning bridges with black men, then seek out jim jones for your white washed kids. jim jones aint even having any conversations with you. You're just a pin-up girl, eye candy, sex object for fun. Then he's gone. Oh my. what a quagmire
There you go acting a fool again.... I made that statement
(we can only be here for ourselves other black women and black girls.)
just to say there is nothing wrong enjoying appreciation from any man be it white or black. I have no problems with black men it just seems these days some have a problem with us and if I raise a son I can only hope he will grow up to love whomever he wants without prejudice and he give that same right to others. Sometimes it feels as if we have to protect ourselves and our daughters from the onslaught of negativity brought on by others. We as women have to defend ourselves and teach our daughters to love themselves so that any man who chooses to love them (ANY MAN) know where we stand as women. I'm sorry if every women who chooses to step outside of her race boundaries to enjoy love is wrong because that's what "she's" looking for. I did not know that she has to consciously to carry the whole entire black race on her back each and every time she dates a man. Do you think other people who are Non Black think about these things all the time? Do you think about these things every time you choose to date someone? No one is selling anyone to anybody no one owes or owns anybody except themselves. We live in a society today that is breaking down separatist barriers everyday everything that black and non blacks have fought for decades. Maybe I'm wrong for everything I say here today but you sound very separatist. I love men who are good looking, smart, well put together and love me first. When I step out of my house I don't think hm mm where are the black men so I can make a black family for the black community. I think about: where can I find me a man who is going to treat me nice maybe we can start something and make a nice family who can contribute good to the economy we live in. If he happens to be black then so be it. Unfortunately I haven't found him yet. There are good and bad men out there and women have a right to a good man and vice versa. I'm not a feminist but I do believe in having good relationships with men even if they happen to not be black.
That I have only your word on it, and that your word carries very little weight with me. I do not like your tone, and I like even less the manner in which you consistently try to create division and pit people against one another around here.
If there's anyone to suspect of underlying motivations and and a rather malicious agenda, I'd put my money on you.
An anon said...I'm sorry if every women who chooses to step outside of her race boundaries to enjoy love is wrong because that's what "she's" looking for.
Please do not apologize. Make your stand and stand strong in your thoughts.
As for my thoughts, I have a right to be loved by men of other backgrounds.
Let me ask you disapproving anons something? Do white women complain about the motives of black men? Do they complain that black men are too superficial or complain that they "fetish-fantasize" over them. I personally haven't heard such an arguement.
I think in some sense we are not used to being put in the spotlight with a crown our heads- even for a moment. And feel uncomfortable for a man of another background wanting to acknowledge our beauty and talents.
If that is the case then go turn on some BET and be satisfied with that.
I see no hidden Agenda from Andreas, selling t-shirts or not.
Don't black women do the same when we sell t-shirts with afros on them, saying how beautiful one's hair is? Isn't that sister gaining money also? But because of a white man doing it, now it's a problem.
Phhhftt! coming from me, I'll buy the t-shirt! I support anyone who supports me.
BUT we'll continue to buy black male artists music and video who demean us, and only put racially ambiguous women in his soft porn videos. We'll continue to go to their concerts and shout for him while he takes the money and goes home to his white wife.
I think some of our concerns need to be re-directed to them.
I LOOOOVE being admired.
Enjoy the time, Enjoy the view.....Good evening and have a bless night!
I agree completely with Daughter of the First. Any black male who has issues with the fact that a white male is getting this praise, love and attention can go man himself up, begin a blog or some such praising and admiring the black woman too, and compete with Andreas in a commendable and noteworthy fashion this way.
But they simply aren't going to do this, cause they really don't give a damn about black women's feelings in the first place. They're here only for THEIR interests, not those of black women, nor those of the BC. They're here cause the black "men" are losing face to a white "boy" over this blog. And still, the thought of stepping up their own game and praising all that is good about black women too just doesn't come up in them. Instead they just begin to put the black woman down again, point fingers, all NEGATIVE, so things can go back to when it was all best for THEM.
The black woman is never in their equation, ever, until they personally start to lose the benefit of that black woman. If they could change this attitude, they would have done that by now, and they have not, ladies. And all the while black women have been carrying the FULL weight of the BC on their shoulders for decades if not centuries. It makes you wonder who the real sell-outs have been all along, if you ask me.
Nat thank you for your apology. I see your point now. As you and SZ have commented where is Andreas when these debates take hold?
It is tiresome to respond to the person who accuses me of pretending to be a Black woman and a malicious one at that but no matter. My intention is not to sew discord but to question. If you are happy with Andreas' site good for you. Happy viewing. Me I want something more than just 'oh look at this black girl and here's another'. Our Black skin is an accident of birth remember but our qualities are something else entirely. Look how resilient we are in the face of racism and sexism. Look how easy we find it to laugh. Look how many of us have struggled holding a family together with little support. Look how smart we are. Look how strong and independently minded we are. Look how we soldier on. Look how dependable we are. Look how we still hope even in the face of so much adversity. Look how most of us stand by Black men even when they continually accuse us of doing the opposite. And yes look how gorgeous we can be inside and out even when we receive implicit and explicit messages to the contrary.
I am proud to call myself a feminist and as such I reject any attempt by anyone to restrict the choices I may make. Black women should be with whomever they choose. And guess what? Black women don't all have to share the same opinion.
"Just got this video clip. From Tyra Banks Show. My opinion is, I think this is really sad. And scary. Why bleach your skin to look more white?! What do you all think of this?!" ----------------------- Cause website like this one been teaching that black is beautiful when it's interracial, biracial or multiracial. So the ones born with dark skin can only feel good by looking like a biracial light skin black woman, by bleaching. As for those who wont bother with the bleaching, they'll make sure to lie down with mr whitey so they have 'pretty biracial' light skin babies to boost their ego and self-worth. You truly got the slave traders in a bind, aint u?
"They're here cause the black "men" are losing face to a white "boy" over this blog...
..And all the while black women have been carrying the FULL weight of the BC on their shoulders for decades if not centuries...
..Spread the word." ---------------------------------- Black man cannot lose face over this silly pin-up blog that got started with postings of video clips showcasing black male singers singing love songs to black women. It was at the request of black women to 'not post images of black men' that the author decided to post more and more images of 'biracial love'. John H Johnson gave you black woman (Ebony) beauty magazines and cosmetics unique to your own hair and skin, but you'll never credit him for that. You want wigs from korea and shacking up with jim jones. When the white man was shunning you for his anorexic white woman with no ass for playboy, who created magazines for curvy black women with dimensions that can't fit in a pair of jeans? The man you hate the most. Keep lying.
All the while black women have been carrying the full weight of the BC on their shoulders for decades if not centuries? O really? And during those centuries you were the BUFFALO SOLDIERS and TUSKEGEE AIRMEN too, right? And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization and economic growth, but whose name were never added to the history books. yea right. the white bwoy invented everything and so did the black woman. How many black men died digging the panama canal to earn a buck?
The black man has made many countless sacrifices even with their lives to better the social and economic standing of the black community. But as usual, never expect anything good about men from the poison pen of a bigot called feminist. DISCREDITING MEN is all they live for. It's the only way they feel relevant to society.
Spread the word? Yea, you been spreading anti-black man propaganda a long time, with your distorted historical garbage. Who's paying you? the KKK? Now I got you checked.
this anon troll is just another bm who can't stand out of a woman's conversation. it's pathetic really.
hey annon we're still waiting on your answer? do you plan on making anymore whoopi goldbergs or india ire's? since your so passionate on bw making biracial children.
O and quick reminder Disney's The Princess and The Frog comes out Nation wide on December 11.
my goodness so let me get this straight. so this one anon says the black man hating on this blog don't really give a damn bout black women and comes here for self-serving his own interest. the apparently black male anon who responds to this doesn't even try to deny it. he goes straight to more ranting against the site and black women while tooting his own horn. proving the first anon's point word for word. it is eye-opening.
""..And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization..."
Hate to burst your bubble,but there's been a lot of fiction on the subject....." ---------------------------------- You think it was that easy to burst my bubble? Just take a good look at the dates of some of the inventions and the people in comparison. If a black man in racist america in the 1800s made an invention, and he doesn't know of anyone within is locality of having invented any such similar device before, who the fuck are you tell him he didn't invent it first? Could he stay within the confines of his locale and hear about some white guy in britain or france or china who've invented a similar device around the same time? Perhaps even earlier? Why compare a black american inventor with a white english inventor? Cause there were no white americans who came up with that particular invention first, so let's go across the atlantic to find an inventor with a similar device that was patented first? lol. So the black american inventor was the first within his country to made such an invention and got it patented. lol. The black man may not have been first here or there, but no one can negate the fact that black men DID CONTRIBUTE and CONTINUE TO CONTRIBUTE with THEIR OWN INVENTIONS. And i'm sure a couple inventions were also stolen by those who would say: "No nigga could have done this!" That was the reality of the 1800s. The white control what gets registered and in whose name it's registered. You can't tell me shit.
Yea, many tools were conceived and prototyped in different geographic locations of the world without the inventors knowing about others designing similar inventions to their own. That doesn't mean they didn't invented what they invented and GOT PATENTED. It doesn't matter who was first. What matters is that an inventor came up with an original INVENTION and GOT IT PATENTED. And like it or not, the patents are proof of one's contribution to science and technology and the industrialization process.
Look at this shit:
"Railway Telegraph
Granville Woods prevented railway accidents and saved countless lives by inventing the train telegraph (patented in 1887), which allowed communication to and from moving trains? No!
The earliest patents for train telegraphs go back to at least 1873. Lucius Phelps was the first inventor in the field to attract widespread notice.."
So what are you debunking? Whether the black inventor was first or last? Who gives a shit who was first? Granville Woods got a patent for HIS INVENTION. That means there has to be something unique about HIS INVENTION. That's the shit i'm talking about. I never said black men invented this or that first. I said:
""..And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization..."
Did you see the word CONTRIBUTED? lol. Trying to discredit black men with your distorted racist nonsense. Why don't you come with a compiled list of INVENTIONS CREDITED TO BLACK MEN, THAT ARE UNCHALLENGED BY ANYONE CLAIMING TO BE THE REAL INVENTOR. I expose the bigots every time!
"Dark skinned women really have to guard their image and their minds. It's imperative that they do so. That is why I very happy about this blog and I continue to support it. Seeing images of women who look like you celebrated by a man, is a wonderful thing. We live in a world light and bright is the norm and blonde and blue eyes are perfection, when it's not.Every woman deserves to be celebrated" -------------------------------- OMFG!!!!! then sky, what the fuck yu doin with a YouTube channel celebrating romance ONLY WITH that which is light and bright, blonde headed and with blue eyes? LOOOOOOOOOL!
"OMFG!!!!! then sky, what the fuck yu doin with a YouTube channel celebrating romance ONLY WITH that which is light and bright, blonde headed and with blue eyes? LOOOOOOOOOL!"
OMFG anon! liking someone w/ light or bright, blonded headed is exactly that! besides it's black women i am referring to and whom the channel is dedicated to!!! don't twist it, because I'm NOT celebrating ww. My channel is exactly as stated Black Women in Interracial Relationships, you f**k! Just like how Andrea's celebrates black woman, and you berate them.
And you know what else you can add to your joke since your just full of giggles today, go to BET/look at diddy's commericals (dark skin need not apply), Usher's latest commerical ad for his fragrance, or that wonderful book called "Don't Blame it on Rio", Palow Da Don "King of the White Girls", Young Berg; I don't do dark butts, and you can clearly see who bm have decided to celebrate and share the limelight with. And that's their prerogative. BUT YET you look @ my channel and it's a problem? Now that's funny.
Try again anon, try again.
moving on...
I'm not about to make this part of the blog be distracted by losers like troll anon's who are to cowardly to create a name in the first place. Back to the topic...
I want to mention that skin lighting is not just common among women, men as well. Who can forget Michael Jackson (RIP), Sammy Sosa (that's a shocker), and this is also a growing trend in Africa. The difference between the men and the women, is that men keep this their dirty little secret, a lot like being abused by their wives or having a eating disorder.
This goes way beyond just not liking your skin, or changing for the opposite sex/society, they seriously are in dire need of psychological help. These people have allowed negative influnces to come and saturate their minds, to the point they feel they must do something about it and actually believe that it will change your status or perception of themselves.
The show Tyra presented should have been more than, "but your beautiful, why can't you see it". Tyra (an unlincensed professional) doesn't understand that its the same way with those who suffer with anoxeria. They CAN'T see that they are beautiful or not fat. Every day they look in the mirror and see a monster or someone they don't like. It is way beyond throwing encouraging words every now and then. They need to seek professional help. I guarentee no matter how much lightening cream they use, THEY WILL NOT STOP USING IT!!!, just like the anoxeric/bulemic patient will not stop starving him/herself.
@sky I suspect your comment was directed at the white woman. But if the white woman's beauty is not perfect and other women should also be celebrated, how is it that same argument does not apply to men? Why are you only celebrating white men with blue eyes and no other men, on YouTube? Contradictions and double standards. You're fuckin lost! I feel sorry for you. (shaking my head).
I am so glad you are so educated on these topics.....I am so enticed by your ranting and ravings... tell me more seriously. We ain't really here to talk about that shit. Were here to look and admire black women but thank you for the history lessons though duly noted. How about you go find a KKK site and rant there I'm sure they need to know the truth more then we do and I'm sure it will be duly appreciated. I realize what black people went through as a whole but as a black person I'm doing my part in this economy as of now in this time. I can say I remember my past and appreciate black people throughout history and their contributions to the world but What are you doing? Let me guess the man is keeping you down so your spending all your time spreading the word here? You could be out getting a real education and then possible a career actually helping people instead of lazing about on this site preaching shit. Words don't mean a thing if your not out there actually doing something about it. Do you even know what a bigot is? You keep using these big words like it will make you look intelligent then you pick apart what we say to make a point without really saying anything at all, and guess what son your still not even hitting the head of the nail. You want people to listen? get your ass on TV and preach that shit there I'm sure everyone will stop what their doing and listen to your whiny crying ass. If black men are so hurt by us Black women get together and start a coalition do another million man march for the injustices of your kind. Show the world how smart you really are. Then we'll have a real reason to even look your way. As for the whole feminazi shit you rant about you obviously hate women in general because not once have a heard you even uplift or say anything positive about your black mamma sisters, friends, wife, auntie, cousins, girlfriends or whomever and you know why because you HATE WOMEN!!!!! You came from black woman so show some damn respect we'll respect you when you respect us. We'll stop dogging you out when you stop leaving us behind.
"@sky I suspect your comment was directed at the white woman. But if the white woman's beauty is not perfect and other women should also be celebrated, how is it that same argument does not apply to men?
Smh, really? omfg, i never said that white women were not pefect and other women should be celebrated i said, ALL women should be celebrated, and it should be done equally. But even I know that's not going to happen. which is why blogs like this are important. You just hate seeing bw being celebrated or gaining confidence in our beauty.
"Why are you only celebrating white men with blue eyes and no other men, on YouTube? Contradictions and double standards. You're fuckin lost! I feel sorry for you. (shaking my head)."
I'm not celebrating white men, I'm celebrating black women expanding their options in the dating and marriage pool WHY CAN'T YOU GET THIS THROUGH YOUR F**KING HEAD. 2nd if you ACTUALLY browsed my channel and not just LOOKED at it, you would know that i have other men (hispanic, asian, and indian) that are found in music videos, testimonies and films, but knowing your lazy @$$ you probably didn't even do that.
You're upset that celebration and worhsip isn't being directed to bm, in this case you. I'm quite sure you'll find lots of blogs and poems directed to bm by bw about how much they love you, and will stick by you through thick and thin, and how the world is against you and they'll mother you and coddle until you suffocate. The difference is that we're not doing it and we make NO APOLOGIES FOR IT!
Feel sorry for youself that you continue to come to this blog and view my channel and arguing with women because obviously you never knew how to deal with men or competition for that matter.
This blog was created for us NOT YOU!
And if anyone is a hyprocrite it's you...suggesting that black women should continue producing the black race, like we're cattle and yet mention nothing to bm. Do you plan on making Whoopi Goldbergs/India Aires/Alek Weks? do you plan to stop bm from berating bw at conventions such as "I hate BW". yeah didn't think so, which is why you duck and dodge the question every minute you get and switching topics like its a new pair of pants. Plueeze I haven't forgotten, which is why I'll keep asking the question.
this will be the last time I address you because I'm not going to allow you to hijack a reasonable topic, because your ego was slapped by moorena. Go find her, deal with her, and move on with your life.
O and here's slap in the face since you couldn't bother browse my channel...
To Sky I had a look at your channel. Just want to say thank you. I get what you're doing. You know it has left me feeling really warm. For many years I have argued that the media finds it very difficult to portray us as the desired and loved one. How lovely that the wheel is beginning to turn. You're doing a grand job.
That's right anonymous. Judging by the vitirol you're spewing right now, its OBVIOUS that Black women can NOT count on BM to defend/love/protect/encourage/support us. Why? Because they're too concerned with being the ones who receive all those things WITHOUT believing any reciprication is necessary. BW are just supposed to be so happy to have a BM...right?
Its obvious that YOU find BW to be unattractive/unwanted, but you're dead wrong if you think the same applies for all other men. I'm currently living abroad, and let me tell you, non-BM all over the world ADORE BW...even the feminist ones! You see, a REAL man isn't threatened by feminism because feminism is simply the belief that men & women should be treated equally. Only a sexist, chauvanistic PIG would find that abhorable.
In MANY cases, it would be more preferable for a child to be raised WITHOUT a father than to subject them to many of the BM out here. Look how much you hate BW. Why would I raise a Black female child with the likes of you? And why would I raise a Black male child who might take after you? I shudder at the thought.
sky, that video you posted is a good rebuttal to what SZ said about:
"In MANY cases, it would be more preferable for a child to be raised WITHOUT a father than to subject them to many of the BM out here."
O wow. And how did these kids come into being? Did they fall from the sky, or BW got in bed with a BM to make them? So the guy was good enough to get in bed with but not good enough to help raise his kids? And if the mother was so great at raising kids on their own, what are these kids doing on the street selling themselves to eke out a living? The video clearly shows the kids more in danger when there's no father in the home. SZ is one of the feminazi supporters of the disintegration of the black family. That's why you and her and others of like mind spend your days heaping scorn on black men while worshiping white men who are selling their women into sex slavery! ha ha. So much for the great white hope. Your prejudice and bigotry in the name of 'interracial love' and 'woman for woman' have delivered nothing good. Bigots.
I wonder if SZ shudders at the thought of black kids living on the streets because of a broken home. How many will be kidnapped and killed so their organs can be harvested and sold on a black market, so that some rich white guy can live longer. I'm starting to shudder.
anon you've hijacked the topic long enough and continue to make yourself in an idiot in the presence of everyone. You have absolutely no interest in bw and you clearly hate wm, so I see no reason why you should be here.
You've deflected everything anyone has posted and you continue to try to make the topic about you and what you think bw should do, funny you never mention what bm should do, because we all know ya'll aren't going to do sh*t, that includes you. Which is why we laugh at every suggestion ya'll make, including the sex traffic vid, you and i know both know you could carelss about it, the only the reason you brought it up is because the trafficers happen to white the victims black. But then when i show you a vid of sex traffic in our own cities done by black men, you blame it on single parenting of black women, lolololol. Your using the sex industry topic for your own goal. If your going to mention the sex traffic industry mention ALL OF IT and give it one reason. Otherwise shut up.
Nice try on trying to embrass and shame bw not to date outside of her race, but as you can clearly see it's not happening nor working. Why don't you go to bm worshipping sites where bw are singing praises about you, or would that require you to actually like bw, in the first place?
You're really losing your grip, every time you post you sound crazier. I can't believe this blog has this much affect on you, no not blog... moorena,lolololololol. I need to find that chick, she did a number on you.
Feel free to delete negative comments on your website. I don't know why we have anonymous dudes posting on here as Black women, trying to sabotage a good thing.
Your website features beautiful, dignified Black women. I don't know why anyone would have a problem with that.
I sure don't. Keep up the great work!! Your website is greatly appreciated by Black women (you are linked to many Black women blogs) and by those who love and respect Black women.
As much as I like Tyra, she likes to over exaggerate. She wants the world to pity black women, and black women to feel bad about themselves. There was one episode some years ago when she had different race men pick the wife they would take home to their parents, and none chose the black women...really Tyra? Just reiterating that the world sees black women as the least desirable.
I found your site on stumbleupon and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!
of course it's ultimately tragic. as a bw, i feel that our skin is most beautiful. but when society and the media says that what's pretty and acceptable as an african person is to be Rihanna or beyonce's complexion (or lighter), as women we feed into it to be accepted and we go to extremes like this. i don't, but there are many women who do. there's nothing wrong with beyonce or rihanna's complexion. i think they have a beautiful color. but, that's not the only shade of black there is. ALL shades of black are beautiful. skin-bleaching is even a trend in sub-saharan africa. it's such a dangerous (to our health) trend. i personally feel that medium skin toned or dark-skinned women are made to feel beautiful within our own community as black african people. the fact is that a positive self-image is not something we as bw are born with. it should be something that is nutured within our family's. but, many of our mothers were taught to believe that only light-skinned black skin is beautiful or acceptable. that being said, having a positive self-image is something we have to create for ourselves. just my opinion. black women of ALL shades should be made to feel beautiful, loved, and good enough since the day we are born.
i meant to say that medium skinned or dark-skinned bw AREN'T made to feel beautiful by our own black community.
Wow...that was powerful!
Like white girl going to doctors to make her eyes seem asian. Just crazy. This is something like annorexia? Like, girls harming them selves for stupid beauty ideal that only some screwed up men here and there prefer? Certainly not all men! I don't like starved women, don't like pale women either. Never have, never will. Can't explain it.
Like Avrid said, this is another form of trying to beautify yourself. Ligh skin products, breast implants, butt/lip injections, lyphosuction, eyelid lift, tummy tuck, spray on tans are all of forms of telling women every day you are not good enough.
I had to turn off the TV/radio, and had to stop buying magazines, because they tell us women everyday that we're not beautiful enough. This doesn't apply to just black women, but all women. Markets profit off that we don't feel good about ourselves.
This is a tragic case, just like Sammy Sosa, I just shake my head and go "who told them they're skin was ugly?". You have to be careful who you hang around with. If they are demeaning you, you need to stay away from them. They're projecting their insecurities onto you, and you don't need that.
We live in such a sexist soceity. Most women forget that it is man that sets the abnormal beauty standards. Women must look like this or that to attract them. Sadly I know plenty of Dark skin women that get teased for being too dark. I was one of them many years ago...thank god I had enough confidence within that I could fight the system and never fall for the untruth about my beauty. Women need to learn to love self before trying to love others.
Hello to all, I've started a new black woman's blog (and also for her admirer's) it is called: Daughter of the First.
Thank you all in advance.
This is blog (andreas) is a wonderful blog!
Daughter of the First!
I just watched the video....
This really makes me sad to think that BEAUTIFUL Black women are doing this. I hope this trend stops!
Also I found this picture (hope the link works)
Hhhm you know I'm beginning to wonder about White B'woy's underlying motivation for this site. Forgive me if my concerns are wrong as I haven't read the whole site. Yes there are numerous postings of Black women White B'Woy finds attractive. Thats cool. But when pressed to define what it is he actually likes about Black women he fumbles. I appreciate that he has said there's no great mystery. It is just his preference. But as a Black woman I would hope by now that it is more than just the image he is raving about.
Everybody knows that hair and skin colour are issues we grapple with. I'm not sure what new information there is to add to the debate - so why keep posing these questions? All women are under pressure not to accept their natural appearance. In my opinion this is so that companies can make more money out of us. Anyway I would like to see postings that celebrated more than just our looks.
November 28, 2009 3:30 PM, I'm more prone to begin wondering about your underlying motivations to be honest. Your post really is quite a subtle attempt to try and create distrust between Andreas and any black woman who may be enjoying this blog.
Are you even a black woman, as you're claiming? I'm not very convinced of it.
darkskingirl said...
"We live in such a sexist soceity. Most women forget that it is man that sets the abnormal beauty standards. Women must look like this or that to attract them. Sadly I know plenty of Dark skin women that get teased for being too dark. I was one of them many years ago...thank god I had enough confidence within that I could fight the system and never fall for the untruth about my beauty. Women need to learn to love self before trying to love others."
That is very true especially the standards the media makes or some men. Women esepcially dark women have to set the standards themselves. If a man wants to look @ my dark skin first and automatically disqualify me as a woman, then he can go somewhere. He is not my lost. Because there are men out there who view you as a woman first. I know, because I've dated them.
Dark skinned women really have to guard their image and their minds. It's imperative that they do so. That is why I very happy about this blog and I continue to support it. Seeing images of women who look like you celebrated by a man, is a wonderful thing. We live in a world light and bright is the norm and blonde and blue eyes are perfection, when it's not.Every woman deserves to be celebrated.
Ive always liked me being the different one, the one who doesn't dress the same as anyone else. I remember one young lady (she too is dark skinned and had self-esteem problems) asked me "how and where do you get your confidence from?". I told her, I had to get it for myself. The beauty world does not allow women, light, dark, medium, tan,etc to feel good about themselves. Not one bit. They profit off of it. It is up to us (women) to protect ourself from these hurtful images.
*Like I said before, cut off any TV program/magazines that disqualifies you as a dark skin woman/woman at all.
* As much as Andreas is bringing this too attention (because I believe he honestly doesn't know that this is going on) don't keep reading things like this. Be happy that it is not you. But if you know someone who if falling into that trap, have them seek professional help (there's nothing wrong with that). Most people hurt themselves because they are not able to sit and talk to someone about how they really feel. Talking is another form of therapy.
*Create your own standard. There is no else like you. God knew what he was doing when he created you, and when you go off and do something like this, your insulting God. He says that He made us in his image, so why are you destroying that? Be your own fashion guru, who said you have to listen to Access Hollywood/E.T. to know what to put in your closet? Do your own thang and make it work.
I don't want us to continue having discussion going "poor dark skin lady if she only knew", no that talk needs to stop, its been going on for too long. Suggestions need to be made, so that things like this don't continue to plague our future children.
Being from the caribbean I know till today also in the caribbean there are women who bleach their skin. On my island you can buy these bleaching creams, most of them are made in the Dominican Republic, so when I heard the story about Sammy Sosa, it didnt surprise me at all.
We as young women must stop this madness. We must teach little girls out there to be proud of their beautiful chocolate skin.
To Anonymous Nov 28. Should I not express my concerns for fear that it may not be misconstrued? One should always be skeptical. It is healthy. And to answer your question yes I am a Black woman. Now what say you?
Amen Sky word!
Like Ive said before we are beautiful inside and out. Some of us have to work a little harder on our insides but I know that there are people out there who love us. (Thank you Andreas and company!) All I can say is that regardless of how some feel ref: November 28, 2009 3:30 you can be assured that with all your reservations because of what you think reality is, In truth Black women are loved wholly and fully by many and this is the real reality. Unfortunately you've probably gone to long being told you were ugly or something. Shocking to see the appreciation and admiration laid out here for you isn't it? Even if you think its a bit superficial so what! they say beauty goes skin deep but this site represents what beauty is on the outside nothing wrong with that... and guess what Andreas is a man so why he have go into deeper disturbing things in regards to black women there are other sites for that shit. If you continue to accept the latter and continue to doubt yourself on how men regard you because of what you see on TV then your mind set is very narrow. Education is really a horrible thing to waste. In regards to the topic a disturbing one yes (skin bleaching) and its probably surprises him that we have this kind of self hatred in our community so no I don't think he has an agenda he's asking a very simple question I just think you have a problem facing it yourself. We need to abandon these efforts of unattainable beauty and deal with what God and our momma/daddy gave us.
sometimes insecurities run real deep into the skin. so deep in fact that when we try to get rid of it, we end up losing ourselves. and then the cycle continues...
it truly is sad.
To Nov 28 9.11. You contradict yourself. On the one hand you declare that the Black woman is appreciated inside and out yet think Andreas' "superficial" appreciation is fine. And as for telling me I can go elsewhere for "deep and disturbing" material is it not Andreas who is indeed sparking these so called 'deep and disturbing' questions?
I find it interesting that many Black women on this site are so protective of him without evaluating what it is he is trying to do. Something is missing. Do you really need a white man (or any for that matter) to confirm that you are beautiful? How is posting images of Black women an affirmation? Is it enough to simply say I like the colour of Black skin in all its shades? Please! You can find images of Black women all over the place. Hell, all you have to do is look in the mirror and smile. Self confidence comes from within. If you feel under appreciated Andreas' site will do little to counteract that. Its nice that someone out there is sharing his preference in women. But thats all it is.
Besides, it is curious that Andreas will spark the debate then quietly leave the room. Where are his opinions and thoughts on the ongoing debate?
Just so you know I don't have a problem with my natural hair nor the colour of my skin. I am extremely happy with both thank you very much. And you shouldn't try to win an argument by throwing personal attacks. It shows a lack of intelligence.
This is hardly a trend in the U.S. I've been Black ALL my lil life and have NEVER known a person who does this (except for a Nigerian-American girl I went to h.s. with). I'm so tired of Tyra acting like some sort of sociologist. Just presenting these HUGE problems that BW have and then not taking the time to talk about where they came from (so that we don't just look like crazy broads who concoct ways to oppress ourselves) and what BW can REALLY do to combat them. Its for the entertainment of her predominantly white audience...just like her idol Oprah.
As for the anonymous who questioned Andreas' motives, she has the right. It does seem a lil strange that he just throws up pics of BW (saying they're beautiful; as if that's a revelation), sells t-shirts with their likelihoods (for his own personal gain), and almost never bothers to enter into any of the conversations he begins. We've all watched him allow people to say all sorts of terrible things about BW with NO defense coming from him. If he's so into us, why wasn't he calling those people on the inappropriate things they said on HIS blog? Better yet, why did he even let those comments remain? BW don't need yet another person to shout out cliches ("black is beautiful"), we need someone who is TRULY down for us and our cause. I guess it only goes to show that we truly can only depend on each other (BW NOT BM).
Anonymous said:
"Something is missing. Do you really need a white man (or any for that matter) to confirm that you are beautiful?"
Uh...of course that's the case. If you are a heterosexual female, it is NATURAL for you to feel more beautiful if you are appreciate by a man. When men appreciate your looks you will OBVIOUSLY feel better about yourself. Just as a woman who is constantly flirted with and appreciated by men will naturally have more confidence in herself than a woman who doesn't receive that on a regular basis. If you take race out of the equation (not too sure why there was a need to put emphasis on it) it is not so weird.
I wasn't trying to defend him I was just pointing out that its nice even as superficial as it is for us to be recognized as beautiful and this site is what it is, white women everyday garner attention just being who they are but does it spark a debate every single time? I wasn't really trying to attack you outright I am sorry if my choice of words were taken negative I could have come a bit more correct I guess being aggressive made my point mute I don't know you so I can not specifically judge you so again I apologize. I'm not here to win arguments as you suggest I am sure you love yourself as I love myself and no I don't need his affirmations to make me feel good about myself I just like that I can log on and see pretty black women like me plastered as much as other non BW are. Sure you have a right to question him but is it really going to change anything? He sparks conversation and then a whole slew of people come out of the wood work to post their opinions about "us" they also have a right to their opinions Andreas shouldn't have to erase anything but it would be nice to see his opinions on some of these topics. I wonder if it would makee a difference if the person who created this blog was a black man would that make it any less superficial? To be honest I don't think Andreas fully understands what we face or are going through he just cant. To reiterate he can only admire us from a far we can only be here for ourselves other black women and black girls.
"To reiterate he can only admire us from a far we can only be here for ourselves other black women and black girls."
feminazi slave traders = black radical feminists aka 'black woman empowerment bloggers' who profess hatred for the black man, gender saparatism, and interracial unions with so-called non-black men, to escape their racial identity and separate themselves from black males. Racial identity means very little to them. Only black woman and girls matter to them. They would sell black men and boys to the kkk in exchange for romance, money and social status.
When u meet a black woman who say things like 'the black woman has nothing in common with the black man except skin color', you know u just met a feminazi slave trader.
"I guess it only goes to show that we truly can only depend on each other (BW NOT BM)."
And why did SZ had to make it clear she was not saying 'black men and women' should depend on each other, but rather 'black women should depend on black women'? More evidence of black male hating.
Your woman for woman feminazi shit can't give you a family. You spend decades burning bridges with black men, then seek out jim jones for your white washed kids. jim jones aint even having any conversations with you. You're just a pin-up girl, eye candy, sex object for fun. Then he's gone. Oh my. what a quagmire
There you go acting a fool again.... I made that statement
(we can only be here for ourselves other black women and black girls.)
just to say there is nothing wrong enjoying appreciation from any man be it white or black. I have no problems with black men it just seems these days some have a problem with us and if I raise a son I can only hope he will grow up to love whomever he wants without prejudice and he give that same right to others. Sometimes it feels as if we have to protect ourselves and our daughters from the onslaught of negativity brought on by others. We as women have to defend ourselves and teach our daughters to love themselves so that any man who chooses to love them (ANY MAN) know where we stand as women. I'm sorry if every women who chooses to step outside of her race boundaries to enjoy love is wrong because that's what "she's" looking for. I did not know that she has to consciously to carry the whole entire black race on her back each and every time she dates a man. Do you think other people who are Non Black think about these things all the time? Do you think about these things every time you choose to date someone? No one is selling anyone to anybody no one owes or owns anybody except themselves. We live in a society today that is breaking down separatist barriers everyday everything that black and non blacks have fought for decades. Maybe I'm wrong for everything I say here today but you sound very separatist. I love men who are good looking, smart, well put together and love me first. When I step out of my house I don't think hm mm where are the black men so I can make a black family for the black community. I think about: where can I find me a man who is going to treat me nice maybe we can start something and make a nice family who can contribute good to the economy we live in. If he happens to be black then so be it. Unfortunately I haven't found him yet. There are good and bad men out there and women have a right to a good man and vice versa. I'm not a feminist but I do believe in having good relationships with men even if they happen to not be black.
"Now what say you?"
That I have only your word on it, and that your word carries very little weight with me. I do not like your tone, and I like even less the manner in which you consistently try to create division and pit people against one another around here.
If there's anyone to suspect of underlying motivations and and a rather malicious agenda, I'd put my money on you.
I commend you on everything you said.
I find it very funny that people assume Andreas has a hidden agenda. But if he were black, would we question it?
Some of us need to sit down and just enjoy being admired for a change.
At least we are seeing something positive and not the video chicken headed image. :o))
One thing I do notice is that the pictures he puts up are done in real nice taste and not raunchy like those black male mags.
An anon said...I'm sorry if every women who chooses to step outside of her race boundaries to enjoy love is wrong because that's what "she's" looking for.
Please do not apologize. Make your stand and stand strong in your thoughts.
As for my thoughts, I have a right to be loved by men of other backgrounds.
Let me ask you disapproving anons something? Do white women complain about the motives of black men? Do they complain that black men are too superficial or complain that they "fetish-fantasize" over them. I personally haven't heard such an arguement.
I think in some sense we are not used to being put in the spotlight with a crown our heads- even for a moment. And feel uncomfortable for a man of another background wanting to acknowledge our beauty and talents.
If that is the case then go turn on some BET and be satisfied with that.
I see no hidden Agenda from Andreas, selling t-shirts or not.
Don't black women do the same when we sell t-shirts with afros on them, saying how beautiful one's hair is? Isn't that sister gaining money also? But because of a white man doing it, now it's a problem.
Phhhftt! coming from me, I'll buy the t-shirt! I support anyone who supports me.
BUT we'll continue to buy black male artists music and video who demean us, and only put racially ambiguous women in his soft porn videos. We'll continue to go to their concerts and shout for him while he takes the money and goes home to his white wife.
I think some of our concerns need to be re-directed to them.
I LOOOOVE being admired.
Enjoy the time, Enjoy the view.....Good evening and have a bless night!
I agree completely with Daughter of the First. Any black male who has issues with the fact that a white male is getting this praise, love and attention can go man himself up, begin a blog or some such praising and admiring the black woman too, and compete with Andreas in a commendable and noteworthy fashion this way.
But they simply aren't going to do this, cause they really don't give a damn about black women's feelings in the first place. They're here only for THEIR interests, not those of black women, nor those of the BC. They're here cause the black "men" are losing face to a white "boy" over this blog. And still, the thought of stepping up their own game and praising all that is good about black women too just doesn't come up in them. Instead they just begin to put the black woman down again, point fingers, all NEGATIVE, so things can go back to when it was all best for THEM.
The black woman is never in their equation, ever, until they personally start to lose the benefit of that black woman. If they could change this attitude, they would have done that by now, and they have not, ladies. And all the while black women have been carrying the FULL weight of the BC on their shoulders for decades if not centuries. It makes you wonder who the real sell-outs have been all along, if you ask me.
Spread the word.
Nat thank you for your apology. I see your point now. As you and SZ have commented where is Andreas when these debates take hold?
It is tiresome to respond to the person who accuses me of pretending to be a Black woman and a malicious one at that but no matter. My intention is not to sew discord but to question. If you are happy with Andreas' site good for you. Happy viewing. Me I want something more than just 'oh look at this black girl and here's another'. Our Black skin is an accident of birth remember but our qualities are something else entirely. Look how resilient we are in the face of racism and sexism. Look how easy we find it to laugh. Look how many of us have struggled holding a family together with little support. Look how smart we are. Look how strong and independently minded we are. Look how we soldier on. Look how dependable we are. Look how we still hope even in the face of so much adversity. Look how most of us stand by Black men even when they continually accuse us of doing the opposite. And yes look how gorgeous we can be inside and out even when we receive implicit and explicit messages to the contrary.
I am proud to call myself a feminist and as such I reject any attempt by anyone to restrict the choices I may make. Black women should be with whomever they choose. And guess what? Black women don't all have to share the same opinion.
"Just got this video clip. From Tyra Banks Show. My opinion is, I think this is really sad. And scary. Why bleach your skin to look more white?! What do you all think of this?!"
Cause website like this one been teaching that black is beautiful when it's interracial, biracial or multiracial. So the ones born with dark skin can only feel good by looking like a biracial light skin black woman, by bleaching. As for those who wont bother with the bleaching, they'll make sure to lie down with mr whitey so they have 'pretty biracial' light skin babies to boost their ego and self-worth. You truly got the slave traders in a bind, aint u?
"They're here cause the black "men" are losing face to a white "boy" over this blog...
..And all the while black women have been carrying the FULL weight of the BC on their shoulders for decades if not centuries...
..Spread the word."
Black man cannot lose face over this silly pin-up blog that got started with postings of video clips showcasing black male singers singing love songs to black women. It was at the request of black women to 'not post images of black men' that the author decided to post more and more images of 'biracial love'. John H Johnson gave you black woman (Ebony) beauty magazines and cosmetics unique to your own hair and skin, but you'll never credit him for that. You want wigs from korea and shacking up with jim jones. When the white man was shunning you for his anorexic white woman with no ass for playboy, who created magazines for curvy black women with dimensions that can't fit in a pair of jeans? The man you hate the most. Keep lying.
All the while black women have been carrying the full weight of the BC on their shoulders for decades if not centuries? O really? And during those centuries you were the BUFFALO SOLDIERS and TUSKEGEE AIRMEN too, right? And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization and economic growth, but whose name were never added to the history books. yea right. the white bwoy invented everything and so did the black woman. How many black men died digging the panama canal to earn a buck?
The black man has made many countless sacrifices even with their lives to better the social and economic standing of the black community. But as usual, never expect anything good about men from the poison pen of a bigot called feminist. DISCREDITING MEN is all they live for. It's the only way they feel relevant to society.
Spread the word? Yea, you been spreading anti-black man propaganda a long time, with your distorted historical garbage. Who's paying you? the KKK? Now I got you checked.
sperm donor*
"Black man cannot lose face over this silly pin-up blog "
Then why does it make you feel so very threatened? By the way, do you even know what "pin-up" really stands for?
this anon troll is just another bm who can't stand out of a woman's conversation. it's pathetic really.
hey annon we're still waiting on your answer? do you plan on making anymore whoopi goldbergs or india ire's? since your so passionate on bw making biracial children.
O and quick reminder Disney's The Princess and The Frog comes out Nation wide on December 11.
"..And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization..."
Hate to burst your bubble,but there's been a lot of fiction on the subject.....
my goodness so let me get this straight. so this one anon says the black man hating on this blog don't really give a damn bout black women and comes here for self-serving his own interest. the apparently black male anon who responds to this doesn't even try to deny it. he goes straight to more ranting against the site and black women while tooting his own horn. proving the first anon's point word for word. it is eye-opening.
""..And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization..."
Hate to burst your bubble,but there's been a lot of fiction on the subject....."
You think it was that easy to burst my bubble? Just take a good look at the dates of some of the inventions and the people in comparison. If a black man in racist america in the 1800s made an invention, and he doesn't know of anyone within is locality of having invented any such similar device before, who the fuck are you tell him he didn't invent it first? Could he stay within the confines of his locale and hear about some white guy in britain or france or china who've invented a similar device around the same time? Perhaps even earlier? Why compare a black american inventor with a white english inventor? Cause there were no white americans who came up with that particular invention first, so let's go across the atlantic to find an inventor with a similar device that was patented first? lol. So the black american inventor was the first within his country to made such an invention and got it patented. lol. The black man may not have been first here or there, but no one can negate the fact that black men DID CONTRIBUTE and CONTINUE TO CONTRIBUTE with THEIR OWN INVENTIONS. And i'm sure a couple inventions were also stolen by those who would say: "No nigga could have done this!" That was the reality of the 1800s. The white control what gets registered and in whose name it's registered. You can't tell me shit.
Yea, many tools were conceived and prototyped in different geographic locations of the world without the inventors knowing about others designing similar inventions to their own. That doesn't mean they didn't invented what they invented and GOT PATENTED. It doesn't matter who was first. What matters is that an inventor came up with an original INVENTION and GOT IT PATENTED. And like it or not, the patents are proof of one's contribution to science and technology and the industrialization process.
Look at this shit:
"Railway Telegraph
Granville Woods prevented railway accidents and saved countless lives by inventing the train telegraph (patented in 1887), which allowed communication to and from moving trains? No!
The earliest patents for train telegraphs go back to at least 1873. Lucius Phelps was the first inventor in the field to attract widespread notice.."
So what are you debunking? Whether the black inventor was first or last? Who gives a shit who was first? Granville Woods got a patent for HIS INVENTION. That means there has to be something unique about HIS INVENTION. That's the shit i'm talking about. I never said black men invented this or that first. I said:
""..And the countless BLACK MALE INVENTORS who contributed to america's industrialization..."
Did you see the word CONTRIBUTED? lol. Trying to discredit black men with your distorted racist nonsense. Why don't you come with a compiled list of INVENTIONS CREDITED TO BLACK MEN, THAT ARE UNCHALLENGED BY ANYONE CLAIMING TO BE THE REAL INVENTOR. I expose the bigots every time!
@sky - November 28, 2009 8:00 PM
"Dark skinned women really have to guard their image and their minds. It's imperative that they do so. That is why I very happy about this blog and I continue to support it. Seeing images of women who look like you celebrated by a man, is a wonderful thing. We live in a world light and bright is the norm and blonde and blue eyes are perfection, when it's not.Every woman deserves to be celebrated"
OMFG!!!!! then sky, what the fuck yu doin with a YouTube channel celebrating romance ONLY WITH that which is light and bright, blonde headed and with blue eyes? LOOOOOOOOOL!
"OMFG!!!!! then sky, what the fuck yu doin with a YouTube channel celebrating romance ONLY WITH that which is light and bright, blonde headed and with blue eyes? LOOOOOOOOOL!"
OMFG anon! liking someone w/ light or bright, blonded headed is exactly that! besides it's black women i am referring to and whom the channel is dedicated to!!! don't twist it, because I'm NOT celebrating ww. My channel is exactly as stated Black Women in Interracial Relationships, you f**k! Just like how Andrea's celebrates black woman, and you berate them.
And you know what else you can add to your joke since your just full of giggles today, go to BET/look at diddy's commericals (dark skin need not apply), Usher's latest commerical ad for his fragrance, or that wonderful book called "Don't Blame it on Rio", Palow Da Don "King of the White Girls", Young Berg; I don't do dark butts, and you can clearly see who bm have decided to celebrate and share the limelight with. And that's their prerogative. BUT YET you look @ my channel and it's a problem? Now that's funny.
Try again anon, try again.
moving on...
I'm not about to make this part of the blog be distracted by losers like troll anon's who are to cowardly to create a name in the first place. Back to the topic...
I want to mention that skin lighting is not just common among women, men as well. Who can forget Michael Jackson (RIP), Sammy Sosa (that's a shocker), and this is also a growing trend in Africa. The difference between the men and the women, is that men keep this their dirty little secret, a lot like being abused by their wives or having a eating disorder.
This goes way beyond just not liking your skin, or changing for the opposite sex/society, they seriously are in dire need of psychological help. These people have allowed negative influnces to come and saturate their minds, to the point they feel they must do something about it and actually believe that it will change your status or perception of themselves.
The show Tyra presented should have been more than, "but your beautiful, why can't you see it". Tyra (an unlincensed professional) doesn't understand that its the same way with those who suffer with anoxeria. They CAN'T see that they are beautiful or not fat. Every day they look in the mirror and see a monster or someone they don't like. It is way beyond throwing encouraging words every now and then. They need to seek professional help. I guarentee no matter how much lightening cream they use, THEY WILL NOT STOP USING IT!!!, just like the anoxeric/bulemic patient will not stop starving him/herself.
I suspect your comment was directed at the white woman. But if the white woman's beauty is not perfect and other women should also be celebrated, how is it that same argument does not apply to men? Why are you only celebrating white men with blue eyes and no other men, on YouTube? Contradictions and double standards. You're fuckin lost! I feel sorry for you. (shaking my head).
I am so glad you are so educated on these topics.....I am so enticed by your ranting and ravings... tell me more seriously. We ain't really here to talk about that shit. Were here to look and admire black women but thank you for the history lessons though duly noted. How about you go find a KKK site and rant there I'm sure they need to know the truth more then we do and I'm sure it will be duly appreciated. I realize what black people went through as a whole but as a black person I'm doing my part in this economy as of now in this time. I can say I remember my past and appreciate black people throughout history and their contributions to the world but What are you doing? Let me guess the man is keeping you down so your spending all your time spreading the word here? You could be out getting a real education and then possible a career actually helping people instead of lazing about on this site preaching shit. Words don't mean a thing if your not out there actually doing something about it. Do you even know what a bigot is? You keep using these big words like it will make you look intelligent then you pick apart what we say to make a point without really saying anything at all, and guess what son your still not even hitting the head of the nail. You want people to listen? get your ass on TV and preach that shit there I'm sure everyone will stop what their doing and listen to your whiny crying ass. If black men are so hurt by us Black women get together and start a coalition do another million man march for the injustices of your kind. Show the world how smart you really are. Then we'll have a real reason to even look your way. As for the whole feminazi shit you rant about you obviously hate women in general because not once have a heard you even uplift or say anything positive about your black mamma sisters, friends, wife, auntie, cousins, girlfriends or whomever and you know why because you HATE WOMEN!!!!! You came from black woman so show some damn respect we'll respect you when you respect us. We'll stop dogging you out when you stop leaving us behind.
I suspect your comment was directed at the white woman. But if the white woman's beauty is not perfect and other women should also be celebrated, how is it that same argument does not apply to men?
Smh, really? omfg, i never said that white women were not pefect and other women should be celebrated i said, ALL women should be celebrated, and it should be done equally. But even I know that's not going to happen. which is why blogs like this are important. You just hate seeing bw being celebrated or gaining confidence in our beauty.
"Why are you only celebrating white men with blue eyes and no other men, on YouTube? Contradictions and double standards. You're fuckin lost! I feel sorry for you. (shaking my head)."
I'm not celebrating white men, I'm celebrating black women expanding their options in the dating and marriage pool WHY CAN'T YOU GET THIS THROUGH YOUR F**KING HEAD. 2nd if you ACTUALLY browsed my channel and not just LOOKED at it, you would know that i have other men (hispanic, asian, and indian) that are found in music videos, testimonies and films, but knowing your lazy @$$ you probably didn't even do that.
You're upset that celebration and worhsip isn't being directed to bm, in this case you. I'm quite sure you'll find lots of blogs and poems directed to bm by bw about how much they love you, and will stick by you through thick and thin, and how the world is against you and they'll mother you and coddle until you suffocate. The difference is that we're not doing it and we make NO APOLOGIES FOR IT!
Feel sorry for youself that you continue to come to this blog and view my channel and arguing with women because obviously you never knew how to deal with men or competition for that matter.
This blog was created for us NOT YOU!
And if anyone is a hyprocrite it's you...suggesting that black women should continue producing the black race, like we're cattle and yet mention nothing to bm. Do you plan on making Whoopi Goldbergs/India Aires/Alek Weks? do you plan to stop bm from berating bw at conventions such as "I hate BW". yeah didn't think so, which is why you duck and dodge the question every minute you get and switching topics like its a new pair of pants. Plueeze I haven't forgotten, which is why I'll keep asking the question.
this will be the last time I address you because I'm not going to allow you to hijack a reasonable topic, because your ego was slapped by moorena. Go find her, deal with her, and move on with your life.
O and here's slap in the face since you couldn't bother browse my channel...
Go deal with your issues.
To Sky I had a look at your channel. Just want to say thank you. I get what you're doing. You know it has left me feeling really warm. For many years I have argued that the media finds it very difficult to portray us as the desired and loved one. How lovely that the wheel is beginning to turn. You're doing a grand job.
Thank you Anon.(dec. 2 3:56 p.m.) It's not hard to understand what my channel is about.
That's right anonymous. Judging by the vitirol you're spewing right now, its OBVIOUS that Black women can NOT count on BM to defend/love/protect/encourage/support us. Why? Because they're too concerned with being the ones who receive all those things WITHOUT believing any reciprication is necessary. BW are just supposed to be so happy to have a BM...right?
Its obvious that YOU find BW to be unattractive/unwanted, but you're dead wrong if you think the same applies for all other men. I'm currently living abroad, and let me tell you, non-BM all over the world ADORE BW...even the feminist ones! You see, a REAL man isn't threatened by feminism because feminism is simply the belief that men & women should be treated equally. Only a sexist, chauvanistic PIG would find that abhorable.
In MANY cases, it would be more preferable for a child to be raised WITHOUT a father than to subject them to many of the BM out here. Look how much you hate BW. Why would I raise a Black female child with the likes of you? And why would I raise a Black male child who might take after you? I shudder at the thought.
SZ, don't let no BM make you shudder. Leave the community. Find true love:
nice try anon. are you just as concerned w/ this vid???
go crawl back into your whole like you've done for the past 2 days.
sky, that video you posted is a good rebuttal to what SZ said about:
"In MANY cases, it would be more preferable for a child to be raised WITHOUT a father than to subject them to many of the BM out here."
O wow. And how did these kids come into being? Did they fall from the sky, or BW got in bed with a BM to make them? So the guy was good enough to get in bed with but not good enough to help raise his kids? And if the mother was so great at raising kids on their own, what are these kids doing on the street selling themselves to eke out a living? The video clearly shows the kids more in danger when there's no father in the home. SZ is one of the feminazi supporters of the disintegration of the black family. That's why you and her and others of like mind spend your days heaping scorn on black men while worshiping white men who are selling their women into sex slavery! ha ha. So much for the great white hope. Your prejudice and bigotry in the name of 'interracial love' and 'woman for woman' have delivered nothing good. Bigots.
I wonder if SZ shudders at the thought of black kids living on the streets because of a broken home. How many will be kidnapped and killed so their organs can be harvested and sold on a black market, so that some rich white guy can live longer. I'm starting to shudder.
anon you've hijacked the topic long enough and continue to make yourself in an idiot in the presence of everyone. You have absolutely no interest in bw and you clearly hate wm, so I see no reason why you should be here.
You've deflected everything anyone has posted and you continue to try to make the topic about you and what you think bw should do, funny you never mention what bm should do, because we all know ya'll aren't going to do sh*t, that includes you. Which is why we laugh at every suggestion ya'll make, including the sex traffic vid, you and i know both know you could carelss about it, the only the reason you brought it up is because the trafficers happen to white the victims black. But then when i show you a vid of sex traffic in our own cities done by black men, you blame it on single parenting of black women, lolololol. Your using the sex industry topic for your own goal. If your going to mention the sex traffic industry mention ALL OF IT and give it one reason. Otherwise shut up.
Nice try on trying to embrass and shame bw not to date outside of her race, but as you can clearly see it's not happening nor working. Why don't you go to bm worshipping sites where bw are singing praises about you, or would that require you to actually like bw, in the first place?
You're really losing your grip, every time you post you sound crazier. I can't believe this blog has this much affect on you, no not blog... moorena,lolololololol. I need to find that chick, she did a number on you.
Dear White B'woy:
Feel free to delete negative comments on your website. I don't know why we have anonymous dudes posting on here as Black women, trying to sabotage a good thing.
Your website features beautiful, dignified Black women. I don't know why anyone would have a problem with that.
I sure don't. Keep up the great work!! Your website is greatly appreciated by Black women (you are linked to many Black women blogs) and by those who love and respect Black women.
Your website is great!!
As much as I like Tyra, she likes to over exaggerate. She wants the world to pity black women, and black women to feel bad about themselves. There was one episode some years ago when she had different race men pick the wife they would take home to their parents, and none chose the black women...really Tyra? Just reiterating that the world sees black women as the least desirable.
Great Post.....
I found your site on stumbleupon and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!
Thanks for sharing....
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