PICTURE OF THE DAY: Lagos, Nigeria. This photo is taking by my friend. And I must say she's very beautiful - the girl in the picture. According to my friend there were almost no beautiful women in Nigeria. But I'm pretty sure she's totally wrong. I would say the opposite! :) Nigeria has some of the most beautiful women in the world. But my friend is a girl, and white. So how could she understand. LOL
Nice picture.Wow, I don't mean to be rude but the judgement your friend made was really harsh. Almost no beautiful girls in Nigeria? Does she look like Giselle herself?But anywho, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Maybe I am naive but I believe there are beautiful people in every race/country. Ugly does not discriminate.
PS: I love your blog :)
Ditto on the last comment. Couldn't say it better myself..including that I like your blog too.
Your friend has been deluded by the media and Colonialist mainstream.
Hopefully you can wake her up a bit.
She's just jealous. In which case, don't bother waking her, she probably likes the sleepy state.
i apologize for the previous comment
she's 100% nigerian and she's beautiful i wonder did she just fall out of the sky or what...what an ignorant comment your friend made
The comment was probably generated by the insecurities she felt about herself. So be it if it came out racist, people say dumb things when they feel no one close enough to be offended would be. Ignorant comments come from those who feel threatened when they become the minority. I also have a feeling she said it to Andreas because she knows he would never go for someone like her. Sad really how women will play themselves like that.
Anon, SO FREAKING WHAT if nobody defended those black boys for being called ugly?(Which is what ALL Black males are, UGLY) People call Black females ugly online and in real life, ALL THE TIME, and NOBODY defends them! Is that right? Do you know how many MILLIONS of poor little Black girls cry themselves to sleep every night because the world tells them they are ugly? I care about THEM, I don't give a damn about no Black boys!
Anon, SO FREAKING WHAT if nobody defended those black boys for being called ugly?(Which is what ALL Black males are, UGLY) People call Black females ugly online and in real life, ALL THE TIME, and NOBODY defends them! Is that right? Do you know how many MILLIONS of poor little Black girls cry themselves to sleep every night because the world tells them they are ugly? I care about THEM, I don't give a damn about no Black boys!
You sound so racist. You act as if all white men praise black women. Of course, you wouldn't say anything negative about the white men. All black men are NOT ugly. I happen to be a black female that dates white men, but that doesn't give me reason to bash black men!
One reason - http://www.blackisbeautiful.se/2009/08/beauty-of-moment_2806.html
When your friend said that there are hardly any beautiful women in Nigeria, was she joking around?
Did you ask what she considered beautiful? She has the right to her opinion since I don't necessarily find blonde hair/blue eyes attractive.
As the French say: "Chacun a son gout" (to each his own).
We have to make allowances. Some people mistake a level of wealth and access, to actual beauty. If a woman lives in a country where there's no a lot of money or the opportunity to make it, she will often be perceived as non-beautiful.
Imagine how most wesetrn women would look if they had to sew their own clothes, owned no makeup, and had no modern hair stylist, dermatologist, or salon.
Take that condition and multiply it among a large population of women and you will soon also notice that there are very few fashion magazines, modeling commercials, or an established fashion industry, because all of these things are aimed at people who have lots of money to spend. So, fashion and beauty awareness itself is much less prominent in the 3rd World than it is in a place like Europe.
That really accounts for much of the "differences" that people notice and that your freind was honest enough to say. If you gave your friend a 3rd World living budget, she would very quickly realize that she couldn't keep herself looking the way she does today. Now is that really "ugly?" or is it just that the latest look and hottest fashion are a much lower priority when you're fighting for survival?
Well said Anon @ 12:29
the eye is truly in eye of the beholder and your friend's standard of beauty can only be measured by what she thinks is beautiful based on her everyday experiences. Like living in Canada and the US where I do Growing up everyday I was bombarded with what was considered beauty by white people standards (I'm not your average size 6 I am a size 16) and finding clothes for myself as a teenager was always a tearful event. I no longer look at media and how they think I should look or feel. Because in the end their target group isn't me anyway. I don't fit the criteria for a certain beauty standard but I do know that I am truly beautiful. As for your friend she should reconsider her words and take a good look at these women again..... I think an appreciation for what they are going through has made some stronger and that could be called beautiful.
"Beauty" is pretty complicated anyway. As a guy, I'm finally understanding this better. "Beauty" or "attractiveness" in not any one thing. It's more like combinations of things with different combinations work differently on different girls. I might dig one girl because she's cute and vulnerable and very girly. But I may fall for another girl because she's strong and brave and maybe even a bit of a tomboy. Two totally different things can attract me to two totally different girls. It has a LOT to do with how comfortable she is with who she is. Looks are the same way, they often compliment a certain personality, so it's an entire package, not just a single idea about what's beautiful. Going to a country and judging the women based on a walk around the hotel zone is beyond small minded. It's stupid.
Imagine how most wesetrn women would look if they had to sew their own clothes, owned no makeup, and had no modern hair stylist, dermatologist, or salon.
Take that condition and multiply it among a large population of women and you will soon also notice that there are very few fashion magazines, modeling commercials, or an established fashion industry, because all of these things are aimed at people who have lots of money to spend. So, fashion and beauty awareness itself is much less prominent in the 3rd World than it is in a place like Europe.
I sort of don't buy that because we spend a hell of a lot of money as black people with clothes and entertaiment. I wish I could post the annual black spending power break down that one site had (gone now). A hell of a lot went to clothes and entertainment.
And the makeup thing. Most bw I know don't wear make up (not all) me included every once in a while. But we aren't considered non beautiful because we don't use Mac
When your friend said that there are hardly any beautiful women in Nigeria, was she joking around?
Did you ask what she considered beautiful? She has the right to her opinion since I don't necessarily find blonde hair/blue eyes attractive.
As the French say: "Chacun a son gout" (to each his own).
I didn't know that a nation of 130mill + could all be mostly unattractive? I mean seriously what does not being into men with blonde hair and blue eyes have to do with her judgement of a whole nation of people? Last time I check countries have blonde hair/blue eyed people, redheads, green eyed people etc., but seriously I bet you wouldn't think a whole nation is not that beautiful.
I sort of don't buy that because we spend a hell of a lot of money as black people with clothes and entertaiment. I wish I could post the annual black spending power break down that one site had (gone now). A hell of a lot went to clothes and entertainment.
That's because you're thinking of the U.S. or Canada, not the 3rd world (Nigeria) Things are quite different in poorer countries.
In the US, you can find multiplied thousands of "exceptions" to the "Black women aren't all that attractive" rule, but far less where there is no budget to compete with the western beauty standard.
BTW, can you think of the most obvious reason why Black women spend SO much money trying to fix themselves up? C'mon, take a guess...
am nigerian, beautiful, sexy as hell, r u sure yr friend left her hotel room? I dont blame her really cos I personally cant tell when a white women is beautiful.
seems none of you get it. 1st - white man and love black women - inside and out - sure we all concentrate on apperances...however have you ever meet someone you thought was beautiful on the outside - and then realized that what is in their heart ruined all of the beauty they were blessed with.. oh yes she is a beautiful woman
That's because you're thinking of the U.S. or Canada, not the 3rd world (Nigeria) Things are quite different in poorer countries.
In the US, you can find multiplied thousands of "exceptions" to the "Black women aren't all that attractive" rule, but far less where there is no budget to compete with the western beauty standard.
BTW, can you think of the most obvious reason why Black women spend SO much money trying to fix themselves up? C'mon, take a guess...
Black people in the U. S. have lived in 3rd world conditions and still managed to look good. Now you have those who looked ruff as hell, but over all many worried about beauty as any group of women no matter how rich or poor. They made their own clothes hell many made their own hair care/cosmetics when they did use it if they couldn't afford it. As for fashion magazines. Half that crap is a hot mess anyway.
Also standards of beauty are different in different cultures/countries no matter how rich or poor the country is or the people are.
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