One funny... and maybe a bit weird & not-funny... thing happend to me the other day. A friend of mine has a (male) friend from Ghana. I've met this guy out in the clubs a few times. His a really nice dude. And one time I was joking with him that he should fix me up with a ghanian girl! Just a friendly joking around thing. But maybe I've learnt something from it. Cause a couple of month after that (a few days ago) my friend called me and said "I've got the pictures of your future wife" - and I was like "Whaaat?!" I had no clue what she meant, until I dropped by her place and gave me a couple of photos. "This is from my friend", she said. And I was like "Whaaaat?!" (again LOL). Apperently he had been taking me all serious and I thought he didnt even remember me...
Anyway, these photos showed a girl somewhere in Ghana.
What can I say - I've learnt something from it - people take me too serious sometimes! :) I mean, I wouldnt mind having a ghanian girlfriend, but I mean... I've heard that I was suppose to get this girl to Sweden and marry her, without even talk to her or meet her first... and it wasnt even she who contacted me, but her friend. LOL What can I say. I'm too serious about things that people take me too serious about this. I mean, I'm living in the "western world" but I can somehow understand the girl in Ghana and her friend in Sweden.
But this is like stuff you read about in the news papers. Love is deeper than a picture.
Aaaaaw... feels like I've "painted myself in a corner" now - just me spinning my mind here! :)
So don't take me too serious, but take me serious in the same way, if you know what I mean!
Bless yall!